This drill is very smart for several reasons!
- The angled trampoline board (raised on a block) forces the gymnast to lean back on take off, giving a little extra “oomph” to the athletes that need it!
- The line (or light green mat) shows a visual to the gymnast to make sure they reach back far enough
- The raised mat will ecourage a strong pop off the hands
- Landing on the knees with a hollow chest will further train the strong pop to a more hollow/scooped postion to get the feet under/in front on landing (awesome for when that BHS connects to another one, etc).
- Some thoughts for next steps: move to the beat board (instead of trampoline board) or do this to feet on the mat — or use a smaller mat for hands and go to feet on the floor!
Check it out!!
Amazing! Try it out and let us know how it goes!
(for even more drills by the same brilliant folks at Kleuren Turnen, check out their Youtube Channel