Floor / Skills & Drills

Awesome back handspring progression!

This drill is very smart for several reasons!

  1.  The angled trampoline board (raised on a block) forces the gymnast to lean back on take off, giving a little extra “oomph” to the athletes that need it!
  2.  The line (or light green mat) shows a visual to the gymnast to make sure they reach back far enough
  3.  The raised mat will ecourage a strong pop off the hands
  4. Landing on the knees with a hollow chest will further train the strong pop to a more hollow/scooped postion to get the feet under/in front on landing (awesome for when that BHS connects to another one, etc).
  5. Some thoughts for next steps: move to the beat board (instead of trampoline board) or do this to feet on the mat — or use a smaller mat for hands and go to feet on the floor!

Check it out!!

Great back handspring progression by @kleurenturnen 👌

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Amazing! Try it out and let us know how it goes!

(for even more drills by the same brilliant folks at Kleuren Turnen, check out their Youtube Channel